Do I need a registered trademark for IP insurance?

Registered trademarks are far more powerful to enforce than unregistered trademarks, and we encourage you to register your trademarks whenever possible.

The registration process guarantees that you have the full rights to your branding. In addition, the laws are very powerful for owners of registered trademarks to enforce their rights.

Trademarks represent your investment in your business. Your reputation takes a long time to build, and your logos, marketing phrases, color palette, font choices, graphics, packaging, and other elements represent your company’s ‘look and feel’ as well as the instantly-recognized elements of your brand.

Your brand takes a tremendous amount of work to create and maintain, and being able to keep other companies from copying you preserves your investment.

IP enforcement insurance for your trademarks will give you the power to keep others from copying you – and preserve that investment you have in your reputation.

Categories: IP Insurance, Inventor Insurance, Online Seller Insurance